<aside> ⚠️ Javascript support is experimental and will not be updated as frequently as the Python one. Follow @promptlayer for updates and check back here for Javascript requirements.


LangChain for Javascript

PromptLayer is available through LangChain’s Javascript library: https://github.com/hwchase17/langchainjs

Learn more at: https://hwchase17.github.io/langchainjs/docs/modules/llms/openai/#promptlayer-openai

Using without LangChain

To get started, create an account by clicking “Log in” on PromptLayer. Once logged in, click the button to create an API key and save this in a secure location.

We do not have an npm library yet, but in the meantime we have a wrapper function to our API. You can find it in our github repo under MagnivOrg/promptlayer-js-helper


To use this function add the file to your workspace and import promptLayer to wherever you are making an openAI API call.

The promptLayer function takes the following inputs

	tags,  // a list of tags to be used in the promptlayer dashboard
	prompt, // the prompt used
	engine, // the openAI engine used in the request
	requestResponse, // the openAI response (response.data) 
	requestStartTime, // the start time of the request
  requestEndTime // the time the request returned

Be sure to set your PromptLayer API key as the environment variable PROMPTLAYER_API_KEY

Here is an end-to-end example:

import promptLayer from './promptlayer.js';
import { Configuration, OpenAIApi } from "openai";

// Create a new OpenAI API client
const configuration = new Configuration({
  apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY,
const openai = new OpenAIApi(configuration);

// Make a request to the OpenAI API
const model = "text-davinci-003";
const prompt = "Q: How do I combine arrays in Javascript?\\nA:";
const requestStartTime = Date.now()
const response = await openai.createCompletion({
  model: model,
  prompt: prompt
const requestEndTime = Date.now()

// Log the request in PromptLayer
promptLayer(['js-test'], prompt, model, response.data, requestStartTime, requestEndTime);